Asa here. On Monday, Chuck Billy shared his heroic efforts to keep Mom safe during a thunderstorm, which for the record, he was not afraid. Today I feel I must confess that I was afraid while taking care of Mom recently. At the time, we were both recovering from visits to the doctor. In fact, I momentarily misplaced Mom! Those were the scariest few minutes of my nine years! Chuck Billy even wrote me up for dereliction of dog duty!
Normally, I’m very responsible in making sure I know where Mom is at all times. I tend to stay glued to her, especially in the evening. For example, our bedtime routine is while Chuck Billy charges upstairs to get the “good” bed in our room, and Dad follows him to do one last work check before calling it a night, I linger downstairs with Mom while she finishes her chores before heading up to bed. Once upstairs, she tucks me in to my room, before going to hers.
However, on that particular night, we were both not feeling well after our trips to see our doctors, and our routine was a bit off. I must have nodded off while watching TV, because next thing I know Dad was waking me with the last call to go out before bed. Half-asleep, I went out, did a half-hearted wag goodnight to my critter friends, then groggily headed back inside. That’s when I realized Mom was nowhere to be seen! Usually she is putting dishes in the dishwasher, shutting windows, or tidying up. So I ran around downstairs in a desperate search to find her. I even rechecked the couch where she had been spending the past few days, but to no avail. All the while, Dad was getting impatient with me, and kept saying the command, “Asa upstairs!” I’m usually a very good boy, and would never ignore a command, but how could I leave Mom behind? My search continued. Dad shouted louder. And Chuck Billy was no doubt fast asleep already on the “good” bed.
As my anxiety increased, over the sound of my loud panting, I heard in the distance Mom softly calling my name! I held my breath to hear where it was coming from. She was already upstairs! Mom must have wandered off when I nodded off! Up the stairs I ran, past my annoyed Dad. But instead of going to my room with Chuck Billy, I raced to be by Mom’s side in her bedroom. Oh how relieved I was to see her curled up in bed! Again I uncharacteristically ignored Dad’s commands to go to my “room.” I was not about to lose track of Mom again! So I did what we call the “Golden flop,” where I laid down next to Mom’s side of the bed and refused to move.
Normally I’m not allowed to sleep in that room because I can get restless and wake Mom, who is a light sleeper. Not Dad though, he can sleep through anything. But she wasn’t feeling well, and too tired to put up a fight, so told Dad to let me stay. And stay I did! When Dad woke in the night to give me my eyedrops, there I was right in the spot he last saw me. In the morning, I was still there when Mom awoke, and I’ve been by her side ever since! Mom, I promise never to misplace you again!