Last night something strange happened when Mom was saying good night to us. It wasn’t something we noticed in the moment, but later when reviewing the photos she took, we all saw that she captured something moving in the series of photos. For you see, Mom was taking a photo of my annoyance that despite having two beds in the room, Asa was insisting on laying on MY bed. You can see the annoyance on my face as I glared at him to move. But look closer. What is the white squiggle to the left of Asa’s hip?

Mom, still focused on my annoyance, snapped a second photo, and there it is again! Only this time it was over Asa’s tail. I’m still distracted by Asa being on my bed so didn’t see it then either.

In a third photo I do appear to be looking right at it, as it crossed over Asa! But to be honest, I don’t recall seeing the white squiggle, because I was tired and just wanted Asa off my bed.

And finally, in the fourth photo Mom snapped, it was gone! “It” being the mysterious white streak was gone, and not Asa, who was still sleeping on MY bed.

So what was that?! Dad, being the rational thinker said there must have been dog fur on the camera lens. A plausible answer considering this room is filled with dog fur, and is in need of a good vacuuming. However, I’ve watched far too many paranormal shows to dismiss it that quickly! Yet how could I miss something that obvious if it was in front of me? So I did what all researchers do, I asked Google! “Do Dogs See Ghosts?”
The answer depends on who you ask. There apparently are a lot of folks who think like our Dad, and say that because there is no scientific proof ghosts exist, there can’t be proof that dogs see them. Well that’s rather harsh! Just ask the folks who have tv shows like, Zak Bagans, Jason Hawes, Adam Berry, and Chip Coffey, and they’ll tell you they have proof ghosts are real! In fact, the show Ghost Hunters even added a dog to their investigation team in 2011. Although, I have to admit I’m not sure if Maddie appeared in many episodes.
There are, however, some folks who argue because dogs have heightened senses compared to humans, there is the possibility that we can see things they can’t. Our acute sense of hearing and smell may make us more keen observers of the world around us, which could include ghosts. Mediums and psychics back this theory, and claim they have proof. But again, we circle back to the science that humans have yet to definitely prove ghosts exist, and they aren’t asking us dogs to weigh in on the issue!