In order to fully appreciate my side of the following conversation, you need to understand that Asa very rarely barks. Yet the last time he did bark, I foolishly ignored him, which led to my precious beehives being vandalized by raccoons. Therefore, I vowed from that day forward to always react when my little brother barked. Without further ado, here is our late night apology to Mom and Dad…
Asa: It was a dark and stormy evening…
Chuck Billy: Of course it was dark, it was night!
Asa: Will you stop nitpicking the details, and let me explain what happened? You’ll get your turn soon enough.
Chuck Billy: Fine.
Asa: Where was I? Oh yes, it was a dark and stormy evening, and everyone was snug in their beds. Little did we realize there was an uninvited visitor seeking shelter in the shadows.
Chuck Billy: What shadows? You just said it was dark!
Asa: Regardless of the shadows, I got up to get a drink of water. That’s when it happened. I felt a crunch under my paw, followed by a distinct smell. I knew right away I had accidentally stepped on a little Stink Bug friend! That’s why I let out my one mournful bark, accidentally waking everyone in the house.
Chuck Billy: Now time for my side! There I was curled up sleeping on my warm bed, dreaming of adventure, when I was awoken by a bark in the night. I immediately jumped into action. However, it being pitch black, I had no idea what you were barking at. All I knew is there was a terrible smell. A zombie perhaps? A swamp thing? Maybe even a skunk! So I immediately began running around the room in search of the intruder that upset you, barking my loudest and fiercest growls!
Asa: You do realize, all this commotion could have been avoided if you just asked me what was wrong?
Chuck Billy: How was I suppose to know it was just a Stink Bug?
Asa: Just a Stink Bug?! He could have been my new best friend, but sadly his life was squished far too soon.
Chuck Billy: Anyways, sorry Mom and Dad for scaring you like that and making you run full sprint downstairs. Clearly, this was all Asa’s fault for overreacting yet again. Go back to bed now, I’ve got everything under control.