Normally I don’t pay attention to what is on the tv, unless of course I picked the show. However, the other day something on it caught my attention. There was a person saying, “Don’t dress for the job you have. Dress for the job you want.” This got me thinking, what if this applied to the weather too? I know this is a big departure from my usual scientific approach to problem solving. However, at this point I’m willing to try anything to get snow!
It is no secret that this winter in Maine has been unusually warm, with little to no snow, and a lot of rain. What if Mother Nature sees me out playing dressed for a nor’easter? Perhaps the power of suggestion would inspire her to send me the appropriate winter weather for my outfit?
During this talkshow segment, another expert then added her advice on the power of positive thinking. She recommended visualizing doing the job you want, and through the power of positive thinking you’d get that job. Again, I’m applying this theory to the weather. What if I concentrate really hard to visualize myself and Asa playing in the snow? I suppose it can’t hurt. If anything I’d at least be daydreaming in my happy place.
Well what a surprise! It worked! I took the first photo on Sunday morning, and by that evening a powerful squall came through giving us a coating of snow! Thus resulting in the second photo taken on Monday morning. Even more proof this dress for success / visualization stuff works, today’s forecast went from a dusting of snow, to the possibility of 6″ not just for us, but the entire state of Maine!