It’s been a few months now since Asa and I took Mom and Dad to their last class with their trainer. Yet I can’t seem to shake his voice echoing in my head! Case in point, the other night Asa and I were busy using our Golden power of mind control to convince Dad to give us the orange he was eating. Well in typical fashion, Asa got his signals mixed. Rather than have Dad politely hand the food to us, he used his mind control to make Dad accidentally drop a piece on the floor. Now everyone knows the 5 second rules applies to dogs, but rather than swoop in and eat the coveted orange slice, I froze!
The world suddenly slowed down and all I could hear was Mom and Dad’s trainer’s voice in my head saying, “Leeeeeaaaavvve Iiiitttt!” super slow. Leave it?! I don’t want to leave it! But yet I hesitated, frozen in time. This went on for what seemed like a bazillion dog years, but I’m guessing it was only a few human seconds. Now that I think of it, Dad didn’t even say a word. It was all in my head!
Finally, Asa broke free from Mom and Dad’s Trainer’s evil curse, and moved. Yet even he reacted in a surprising way. Instead of eating the orange he rolled on it, squishing it into his fur! With the spell broken, I immediately jumped into action and proceeded to lick the orange out of his fur. After all, at no time did Mom and Dad’s trainer ever say we couldn’t lick food off the other’s fur. For once Asa’s twist on training paid off! Although Dad was shaking his head “no,” while laughing about our use of a technicality. Well played, Asa. Well played!