Well the IRS never responded to my inquiry about using a trip on SpaceX to the International Space Station (ISS) as a tax write-off. But that’s alright, because as a renowned Dog Ufologist, I have found a more economical way to travel to the ISS. I’m going by slingshot!
Now this may sound like a far flung idea, but it is true! NASA has teamed up with SpinLaunch to create an enormous suborbital mass accelerator, aka a giant slingshot, to launch small rockets and satellites into space. According to SpinLaunch, its Orbital Accelerator uses speeds up to 5,000 mph to rotate the arm around a 300-foot diameter steel vacuum chamber. This method slingshots a vehicle containing a small rocket or satellite into space. And it does so in a very fuel-effective way. So take that SpaceX and your $55 Million per astronaut price tag!
Alright, I admit NASA isn’t planning to use it to send astronauts into space. But that’s only because it hasn’t been tested yet! Hence why I’m volunteering my brother, Asa, for a test spin! I’ve seen Asa spin really fast when excited, so I’m sure he can withstand the hypersonic launch speeds. If you’d like to see a video of the entire launch process, you can find it on YouTube at SpinLaunch. Now if you’ll please excuse me, I need to make a few phone calls to get Asa on board for their test launch sometime later this year at New Mexico’s Spaceport America.