Well this is awkward. On Friday Asa and I agreed to disagree as to what is the perfect Mother’s Day gift. After reviewing Asa’s not so great ideas, we decided it would be best if we each picked out a gift for Mom. So you can’t begin to imagine our embarrassment when we realized we each gave her the same gift!
Alright, in our defense this isn’t exactly our fault. We may have individually approached Dad for help. After all, it was his money we were using to purchase it. Mom wouldn’t expect us to dip into our treat fund for her! However, as we have shown in the past, Dad tends to take a more practical approach, as evident in previous gifts of rain gutters, power washer, vacuum cleaner, and an old fashion single blade push mower, just to name a few. But we really should have supervised Dad more closely, or been more specific with our directions, because he bought the same gift for each of us to give!
On the bright side, it looks like Mom was legitimately happy with our gift of new dishes! Prior to this the everyday dishes were ones given to us from our Great Memere, after she found them in her basement. Mom and Dad were newlyweds at the time, and didn’t have a lot of money. So they gladly accepted the dishes, which belonged to a long deceased family member. So long ago, that no one could remember who the dishes originally belonged to before going into storage! And some of the dishes Grandpa bought for Mom when she got engaged. She remembers the day he came home with them and tried to sneak them into her hope chest without her knowing. Mom loved the mismatched dishes, and said it was like sharing a meal with these relatives, despite being chipped and faded over time.
However, it’s about time she has a new set…or in this case sets! But being sentimental, Mom put the old ones in the attic, so she can still occasionally share a meal with Great Memere and Grandpa.