The eye specialist warned us that Asa’s personality may change after losing his eye. I did not realize that meant for the better. He’s finally helping me with my most important duty – reminding Mom it is dinnertime!
In the past Asa was very irresponsible, and would leave the work all up to me, while he patiently waited for dinner to be served. Not anymore! Now he hungrily joins me by jumping up approximately a half hour before mealtime, and staring at Mom. Whereas my approach is to paw at Mom, stomp my paws, and do the occasional growl, Asa’s technique is more subtle but equally affective. Asa stands very close to Mom, with his big head blocking her from whatever task she is trying to do. Once she gives in to our reasonable demands, and we are in the kitchen, I will continue my stomping and growling. Meanwhile, Asa will run back and forth from where our bowls are kept to Mom. We are finally working as a team!
There is one problem though. Previously while I ate, Asa would give me my space, and would usually be napping under the kitchen table, or sometimes not even in the same room as me. Now Asa hovers around me, watching my every bite! Do you know how unnerving that is? Sure that’s what I do to him when Mom forgets to put me in my crate while he ate in the past. But Asa has never been so rude to me before! Show some respect to your elders! Even more unsettling is when it is Asa’s turn, he eats with a voracious appetite like never before! Pre-surgery, Asa would torment me by slowing eating his food, even stopping periodically to check on Mom or Dad. Now he is gulping down his food with the instincts of a Golden Wolf! I fear based on this behavior he’s not going to be so willing to share his food with me as he had in the past. In fact, I haven’t dared to ask…yet.
Even our breakfast routine has changed. I admit I tend to be less demanding for breakfast, normally because I know Mom and Dad don’t need reminding to do this first thing in the morning. But now after his first trip outside, Asa will run back and forth from our bowls to Mom then too. I have to admit it is nice to see him finally taking the initiative.