In recent months, some of my friends have welcomed puppies into their homes, and with that comes what I like to call “Invisible Dog Syndrome.” Suddenly, older dogs find themselves going from being the center of attention, to feeling like they are invisible. Dogs, this is by no means your fault! Therefore today I am resharing a blog post written from when I, too, was invisible, by reminding humans of the polite greeting of dogs.
The Invisible Dog (July 7, 2017)
For over two years now I’ve been invisible. Every time I venture out with Asa, people surround him while ignoring me. Initially I thought once Asa grew out of his floppy fluffy puppy stage, people would notice me again. But alas, he’s full-grown and people still don’t instantly acknowledge my presence. This led me to do some soul searching. Perhaps I was inadvertently doing something wrong and making people ignore me? But Mom and Dad have reassured me that isn’t the case. In fact, I’m a very good boy and obey the rules, much better than Asa does! That leaves me with only one conclusion as to why I am the invisible dog – Humans need to learn social etiquette. The following is a refresher on the polite greeting of an older dog with an annoyingly cute puppy brother:
First, when you see a dog walking with a puppy do not start squealing and gushing from miles away about the cute puppy. Puppies are inherently self-absorbed little creatures, who know they are cute and use that cuteness to their advantage. Please do not encourage this thought process by reinforcing it with your high pitched adoration. Instead control your enthusiasm.
Second, when approaching do not immediately focus all your attention on the puppy giving him the misconception that you came out especially to see him. Instead, ignore the puppy! Pet the well behaved older dog first. Clearly he’s who you’ve waited all your life to meet. The cuteness of puppies quickly wears off, but the handsome maturity of a dog remains. Oh and most importantly when approaching, never announce, “I want to pet that one!” while pushing the older dog out of the way. Seriously, that has happened to me on more than one occasion! But I don’t take it personal. The offending humans were children, and therefore have the same narcissistic perspective on life as Asa!
Third, if you happen to forget your manners and lavish all your attention on the puppy, do not suddenly notice the older dog and say something well-meaning but insulting to him. Some phrases to avoid are, “oh he’s cute too,” “aren’t you lucky to have such a cute brother,” and the dreaded “oh I didn’t see you!” Also whatever you do, don’t ask, “why is his face white?” I’ve earned this white face by putting up with Asa’s shenanigans day in and day out! So never say, “oh I thought he was older,” and diminish my sugar face because I’m just 5 years old.
Sorry, my emotions are still a bit raw from my most recent outing. I admit, even at 2 years old, Asa is adorable. But it is time for me to stop being invisible when we are out and about on our adventures! Please remember us older dogs! After all if dogs have to learn the polite greeting of people, it is only fair for humans to learn the rules for meeting us.
As Lillian Eichler Watson once wrote in The Standard Book of Etiquette (1948), “To be thoughtful of others, to be gentle and kind, to be generous, agreeable, friendly and above all fair – that is the best manners anyone can have. Make that your guiding principle in all contact with others, social or otherwise.” Indeed, that is the Golden way!