Getting Closer to the Berkshires’ Bigfoot

The big rats that I introduced you to yesterday on our quest to find the Berkshires’ Bigfoot, told us we should visit the Natural Bridge State Park. Not being experts, such as myself, the big rats suggested that perhaps the natural marble bridge may hold the secret to where Bigfoot is hiding. Sure it was interesting, but clearly this was no place for Bigfoot. After all with this being a marble quarry from 1810 to 1947, followed by a roadside tourist attraction from 1947 to 1984, and finally the Massachusetts state park that it is today, I doubt Bigfoot could get any peace, never mind privacy!

Asa: When Nathaniel Hawthorne visited the Natural Bridge he observed in An American Notebook, “There is a marble quarry close in the rear, above the cave, and in the process of time the whole of the crags will be quarried into tombstones, doorsteps, front of edifices, fireplaces, etc. That will be a pity.”

However, after gazing at that natural bridge, formed millions of years ago, I was reminded of Ancient Aliens season 4, episode 7, in which they contend the reason why Bigfoot is so elusive is because he travels in underground tunnels. As Ancient Aliens theorist Nick Redfern pondered in that episode, “Instead of looking around us, maybe we should be looking below us.”

Asa: Remember Hawthorne did write, “Happiness in this world, when it comes, comes incidentally. Make it the object of pursuit, and it leads us a wild-goose chase, and is never attained.”

That’s it! While most folks were looking up at the marble bridge, I looked down. And that, my friends, looked to me like the perfect chasm for a Bigfoot to get some peace and quiet, not to mention travel with ease to other caves in the Berkshires! Sorry the photo below doesn’t begin to do justice as to how deep and mysterious it was to look down. But Mom was afraid she’d drop her camera when leaning over the fence to capture it, and Dad was worried that she would go tumbling down after it!

Asa: When Nathaniel Hawthorne visited in 1838, he observed, “The cave makes a fresh impression on me every time I visit it…so deep, so irregular, so gloomy, so stern.”

While further investigating the park for traces of Bigfoot’s underground network of tunnels, I suddenly realized my official Bigfoot bandana was missing, and I was wearing a piece of fern instead! What kind of trickery is this?! Someone must be distracting me from getting closer to the truth!

Asa: Maybe this would be a good time for me to remind Chuck Billy of Hawthorne’s observation in “The Marble Faun,” that “We go all wrong, by too strenuous a resolution to go all right.”

Carefully we retraced my steps, and found it lying on the ground between North America’s only dam to be made of marble, and a bench, coincidentally also made of marble. We had paused there for a moment while Mom snapped a few photos. How did my bandana fall there without me noticing?

Asa: My apologies to those who would prefer to see the marble dam, instead of this bandana. But rest assured, we will share in a future post our review of Natural Bridge State Park, with much better photos. But Chuck Billy wants to share his “evidence” here first.

Perhaps this isn’t a simple cave system? Maybe the chasm is a portal! The experts on Ancient Aliens theorize that Bigfoot may not be of this planet, but is instead an extraterrestrial! There is after all a high occurrence of UFO sightings in the same places where Bigfoot has been spotted. I can’t help but feel like there’s more to the Natural Bridge State Park that I’m missing. As if there are some sort of Guardians protecting Bigfoot.

Asa: Well actually there are guardians. We are standing at the Guardian Sculpture Garden at the Natural Bridge State Park.

Asa, don’t interrupt me, while I’m presenting evidence! In fact, dear readers, please join us tomorrow when I present my findings from our exploration of the paranormal trifecta, which inspired our quest for the Berkshires’ Bigfoot – October Mountain!

Asa: Nathaniel Hawthorne was right about art, “It is impossible to gaze long at this stone image without conceiving a kindly sentiment towards it, as if its substance were warm to the touch, and imbued with actual life.” Chuck Billy: See you tomorrow with the next installment on our quest for the Berkshires’ Bigfoot!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.