As I continue to try to solve the case of the Jolly Ball found in our woods, I was reminded of another strange find from years ago. In February 2016, Asa rescued a Gnome buried in snow in our woods not too far away from the location of our most recent find. At the time I dismissed it as a Gnome who got lost in the deep snow while out for a walk. But now that I think about it, that Gnome never did explain why he was out there. In fact, he hasn’t said a word. It’s time I reopen that cold case!
No Gnome Left Behind (February 10, 2016)
My little brother is a hero! There we were enjoying our daily romp in the woods when Asa spied a bit of red peeking up through the snow. I didn’t think it was anything, and kept right on walking. After all Asa is always showing me sticks and leaves he finds in the woods. But Asa’s instincts told him this needed investigation. Well for once his curiosity was correct. It was a Gnome buried in the snow!

Asa immediately began digging to free the little fellow from his icy grave. The poor Gnome was frozen solid! But did Asa panic? Never! He knew that the Gnome needed to be warmed up. So Asa immediately began rolling on the Gnome to resuscitate him. That puppy is a genius! I probably would have just buried him again, but instead Asa revived him and carried the Gnome to safety.

We still don’t know why the little fellow was all by himself deep in our woods. Perhaps once he recuperates a bit more he’ll be more talkative. But from now on I promise to be more observant on my walks in the woods!

2021 Update: I can’t say for certain if this Gnome is part of the recent Jolly Good Ruse, but I’m definitely going to bring him in for questioning!