On May 19, 2018, 120 Golden Retrievers from across New England and beyond gathered at Dog Mountain in St. Johnsbury, Vermont with a purpose; to support the critical research of the Morris Animal Foundation Golden Retriever Lifetime Study, to honor the important mission of Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue, to remember special Golden angels, and to celebrate what it means to be a Golden Retriever! Every shade of Golden was there from the lightest cream to the darkest red, and ages ranged from the youngest attendee at 4 months old, to the oldest dog there at 15 years old! They came from as far away as Florida to as close as right down the road in St. Johnsbury, and every state in New England was proudly represented. In short, the 4th Annual New England Golden Jubilee was pure Golden bliss!

Proceeds from the New England Golden Jubilee benefit the Morris Animal Foundation Golden Retriever Lifetime Study.
This was our second year attending this jubilant event. Making this year extra special, we got to hang out with our half-brother, Duke! I haven’t seen him since our family reunion years ago. Speaking of family, as with last year Asa got to see his father Spenser again too. We also made so many wonderful new friends! There was Maxwell, relaxing in the grass watching all the silly pups running and playing. At 15 years old, all the dogs there were pups in his perspective! We also met Sammie, who was so excited to be attending for the fourth year that she refused to eat breakfast that morning. For a Golden to be too excited to eat, that is off the charts happy! Stanley was so determined to attend this Golden celebration, that he and his Mom took a train from New Jersey, followed by an hour long taxi ride to get to Dog Mountain! But if you think that’s determination, we also met a Golden Retriever who was rescued from Turkey! She is now enjoying life with her new owners, and wagged with glee during the festivities on Saturday. I’m sorry I’m drawing a blank on your name, but it was wonderful to meet you! However, the name I’ll never forget is Piper! At just 4 months old, she had everyone cooing with delight as she experienced so many firsts that day. That wasn’t the only Piper there, I also got to meet my Facebook friends Piper and Twiggy! I made too many new friends to list here, but please know it was wonderful meeting each and everyone of you!

Asa and me hanging out with our half-brother, Duke! Sorry we’re not looking at the camera, there was a lot going on that day.
After spending the first couple hours socializing, it was time to get down to the business of group photos. There was a group photo of the Heroes, who are participating in the Morris Animal Foundation Golden Retriever Lifetime Study. These selfless dogs undergo extensive yearly physicals so that scientists can find a cure for dog cancer! There were also photos taken of the dogs who are battling cancer with true fighting spirit and grace. The therapy dogs stole the show with their big goofy smiles. Followed by the age 2 and under puppies who wiggled with excitement as their owners tried to get them to pose. The 10 and older Goldens then showed the youngsters how to pose with dignity. Ok, maybe not. The senior dogs had just as much fun as the puppies doing silly poses. There was also a group photo taken of all 120 Goldens and their humans! But with that many Golden Retrievers in attendance, let’s just say that photo was a giant free for all of tail wags, fur, and goofy grins.

These special Goldens have survived cancer, are currently receiving treatment, or are awaiting a diagnosis. Paws crossed through the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study a cure will someday be found.
Following the photos we gathered in front of Dog Chapel to pay tribute to the Goldens who have crossed Rainbow Bridge in the past year. Father Curtis Miller was also there to do a blessing of the animals. We then heard a very interesting talk by Joy Viola of Friends of Guisachan on the history of Golden Retrievers. This year marks the 150th anniversary of the breed! Next it was time to hand out awards! From youngest, to oldest, to who traveled the farthest to get there, one by one the pups proudly received their goody bags. There was also the Tears of Joy award as a way to honor a Golden Retriever whose success with life’s struggles has been reason for tears of joy. The Mom of last year’s recipient, Pizzelle who has since passed away, presented this year’s award to Paddington, a brave Golden who has just begun cancer treatment. New this year was the special Freestyle Dance Ambassador award presented to Bowie. Bowie has performed at the previous New England Golden Jubilees, and is now happily enjoying retirement. The crowd erupted into applause when it was announced that Bowie is now three years hemangio sarcoma cancer free!

Crystal Garman, Mom of 2017 Tears of Joys recipient Pizzelle, presenting this year’s award to Paddington, a very brave Golden.
Last year we watched Bowie perform his retirement dance, and this year Fireball prepared to entertain the audience for the first time. However, we skipped the dancing and headed up the hill to play off-leash. Asa and I had been very good all morning, but by this point we were both bursting at the seams and needed to let off some steam with a rousing game of fetch. Now it wouldn’t be a Golden Jubilee without Asa getting into some sort of mischief. So far that day he refrained from stealing a squeaky toy from the auction, and avoided knocking over the big box of tennis balls when he “borrowed” one. However, what he couldn’t resist was imposing himself on a game of fetch with a ChuckIt Launcher. From the top of the hill, Asa got a glimpse of that beloved toy. Before we knew it, Asa was rocketing down the hill at full sprint towards the pond, arriving there just in time as the unsuspecting person launched the ball for her dog into the water. Asa flew passed that dog, and retrieved his ball much to that dog’s bewilderment. Luckily though Duke, who is a different Duke and not our brother, didn’t mind sharing, and let us join in on his game of fetch.

Ok, so maybe Asa wasn’t the only one who stole Duke’s ball. Thanks Duke for letting us play with your ChuckIt Launcher too!
Soon it was time for the moment Asa was waiting for, the Kibble Cup Auction with proceeds to benefit Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue! I proudly watched as someone happily won the basket we donated filled with our favorite things. Next thing I knew, they were calling Asa’s raffle number! He won a prize again this year! Then right after that our brother Duke also won a prize! Asa won a knitted dog doll and Golden Retriever slippers for Mom. Duke won a psychedelic shirt and puzzle!

Asa happily posing with the raffle prize he won. Thanks Simply in Stitches by Alexis, Mom loves the crocheted pup!

Thank you to our friends at Annabelle’s Kookies and Happy Hands Happy Dogs for donating to the raffle basket we gave to the Kibble Cup Auction. Proceeds from the raffle benefit Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue!
Ok, I would have been a bit jealous of Asa’s prize, if it wasn’t for the fact I was anxiously awaiting the big moment of the day. The 100 tennis ball toss into the pond! Not to brag, but last year I achieved my personal best by retrieving TWO tennis balls at once. Well this year I did it again!!!! In fact it was me, not Asa, who was on tennis ball overload this year and refused to get out of the pond. Round and round I swam gathering tennis balls and bringing them to the shore. In the meantime, Asa ran in and out of the water splashing in pure delight.
That’s when the rain started. All day long there was the threat of rain on the radar, but all those happy wagging tails managed to keep the clouds at bay until we were already soaking wet from the group swim. While Dad loaded us into the car to head back to the hotel, Mom paused at Dog Chapel to add our beloved cousin Bear’s name to the memorial. While there she also said a prayer for the many dear friends we’ve said goodbye to in the last year and for their families who are grieving their loss. Then Mom did a quick stop in the Stephen Huneck Gallery to pick up a few souvenirs, and to thank Pam McCann for letting us party at Dog Mountain all day.
Thank you Sandra and Peter Lok, as well as their Golden helpers Nutmeg, Andy and Grant, for organizing the 4th Annual New England Golden Jubilee! Mom’s photos don’t even begin to capture how extraordinary our day was, so for more amazing pictures please visit New England Golden Jubilee.

Thank you to the sponsors of the 4th Annual New England Golden Jubilee! For a complete list of those who help support this great event, please visit NewEnglandGoldenJubilee.com.
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