Golden Tail Wags Awards 2025

Welcome to the 8th Annual Golden Tail Wags Awards 2025! The most unanticipated awards show of the season, where we celebrate the weird and wonderful things we saw while going on adventures last year. I just flew in to be your host, and boy are my arms tired! *awkward silence* Well let’s begin, shall we?

Signs! Signs! Everywhere a Sign! Spotted near a Maine tollbooth is this ode to the Five Man Electrical Band’s 1971 classic “Signs!” Blocking out the scenery, but can’t you read the sign? It clearly says, “No Signs!”

Most Informative Sign: Chuck Billy and I have seen a lot of signs reminding folks to pick up after their dogs. This one along the Eastern Trail in Kennebunk, Maine provides a visual on how to do it! No excuses, humans! Pick it up!

A Little Kingdom I Possess: We also see a lot of signs reminding us to respect the wildlife who call these trails home. This sweet reminder was posted along the Appalachian Trail at Mount Greylock in Lanesborough, Massachusetts. “Welcome to our home. It may seem small to some but this is our Kingdom. The Royal Frog Family of Bunchberry Bog.”

This Tree Got Back! Sir Mix-A-Lot, who sang “Baby Got Back,” would sure want to see this shapely tree located in Bath, Maine. But dogs, please remember your polite greeting of trees should you happen upon it while out on a walk. And whatever you do, don’t sing, “I sniff tree butts and I cannot lie!”

The Nightmare Tree: My dreams are still haunted by this Praying Mantis-like tree, seen creeping out of the woods at French Mountain in Rome, Maine. Sure it looks like a harmless dead tree, but that’s what it wants you to think!

Two Heads Are Better than One: In keeping with surprises seen along a trail, we spotted what looked like a two headed wild turkey! It wasn’t. But Chuck Billy still thought it was best we turn around on that hike at the Machias River Preserve in Whitneyville, Maine.

We Are Not Alone. We Have Never Been Alone: If Chuck Billy, the renowned dog ufologist, has taught me anything it is that Gray Aliens can be hiding anywhere! This one was spotted watching our every move while exploring Long Point Preserve in Machiasport, Maine.

Who Wore It Better: Speaking of rocks, we spotted this one at Devil’s Head in Calais, Maine, proving that patchwork denim is back in style! But we couldn’t help but ponder, who wore it better? I wonder if this boulder inspired the original stone washed jeans?

All the Comforts of Home: The humans on our hike at Thurston Park in China, Maine gave this building the highest score ever for an outhouse. And trust me, they don’t usually give good scores to these things! Well worth the trip off the beaten path to visit when nature calls!

Rainbow in the Clouds: Judy Garland once sang, “I’m always chasing rainbows, Watching clouds drifting by.” Why not combine the two! Our friends at Rainbow Bridge don’t always have time to send us rainbows. Sometimes they just a do a quick check-in peek through the clouds to make sure we’re doing alright. This was spotted on Valentine’s Day last year while playing fetch in the backyard with Chuck Billy. I’m sure it was Angel Lemmy saying, “hello!”

Perseverance: This year’s Bloom Where You are Planted Award goes to this tree spotted at Long Point Preserve in Machiasport, Maine. If you look closely, you’ll see at the base of the dead tree is a live one growing horizontally out of the hillside. Truly a life lesson in perseverance!

Truth in Advertising: Last year we cautioned if you remove the “&” on this bank, you end up with MT Bank. Take a moment to say it out loud. Well now we have more proof there’s nothing inside! Just look at the empty dumpster next to it! Follow the clues to draw your own conclusion!

And speaking of conclusion, we have reached the end of the 8th annual Golden Tail Wags Awards! Please tip your waiter, and check your area for any personal belongings before leaving. Thank you, and see you next year!

Phew! Chuck Billy made it look so easy hosting all these years. I hope it was ok I hosted it at home too? This trophy is a lot heavier than it looks!


About the author

Asa is an up and coming rock star, and devoted younger brother to Angel Chuck Billy.