Goodbye Winter: A Golden’s Video Diary

Today, March 20, 2025, is the official first day of spring! To say goodbye to what has been the snowiest winters we’ve had in a long time, I’d like to share this video made by Angel Chuck Billy in 2015. Back in the early days of Living with a Golden, he insisted on being our official camera dog, and recorded our adventures himself, including this one to Fort Foster, in Kittery, Maine.

You’ll also note that Angel Chuck Billy was a multilinguist. He would argue that all dogs naturally speak many languages. How else do you think dogs know what humans are saying? But to be honest, he only learned the word “goodbye” in all those languages. My theory is he wanted to be prepared to politely tell any extraterrestrial visitors to leave. Which coincidentally, today is also National Alien Abduction Day. I’m sure Angel Chuck Billy would no doubt have some logical theory connecting the arrival of spring and UFO tourism season in Maine.

While I ponder that connection, please enjoy Farewell Winter: A Video Love Letter (March 2015).


About the author

Asa is an up and coming rock star, and devoted younger brother to Angel Chuck Billy.