Asa has been waiting for this day all year – National Tell a Joke Day! Now although joke is singular, he couldn’t limited himself to just one. Therefore I feel obligated to warn you that the following blog post by Asa will contain bad puns, dad jokes, and yes even a knock knock joke. Consider yourself warned if you dare to keep reading!*
Q: What do you get when you cross a wild flower with a dog?
A: A collie-flower!

Q: What’s funnier – mountains, fields, or forests?
A: Mountains, of course! They are hill areas!

Q: What is a bunny’s motto?
A: Don’t worry, be hoppy!

Q: Why did the blueberries form a band?
A: To become a jam session!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
A little old lady.
A little old lady who?
Hey, I didn’t know you could yodel!

Q: What do you call a beachgoer who tells jokes?
A: A sand-up comedian!