Asa’s birthday celebration week continues with National Cake Day! Oh sure on this Thanksgiving week thoughts are more focused on pies. But today we give thanks for all the delicious birthday cakes we have enjoyed over the years.
We owe our brother, Angel Lemmy, a round of applause for starting our family on this obsession with fancy cakes. In 2008 he requested this monkey cake. Great Nana was able to celebrate with us that year, and oh was she concerned as to why we were slicing up what looked like a stuffed animal to her.

Personally, my favorite cake was the UFO.

I really liked my rocket ship cake too, until I realized they dressed me up like the rocket ship!

Asa has enjoyed quite a few awesome cakes over the years. We’ll never forget the ginormous tennis ball cake! Oh and in case you’re wondering why Mom’s name is on the cake too, it is because she also has a November birthday. Thankfully Asa doesn’t mind sharing his cake with her.

I may not have approved of his chipmunk cake, but Asa really liked it.

We couldn’t wait to crack open this lobster cake!

And in case you’re wondering why Mom and Dad insist on ordering cakes rather than make their own….

Asa was really buzzing with excitement for this BEEutiful cake!