According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary 20/20 Hindsight is “the full knowledge and complete understanding that one has about an event only after it has happened.” Well as the year 2020 comes to a close, I still can’t even begin to understand everything that happened this year, especially Mom and Dad’s weird behavior.
It began so full of promise with unusually warm weather that we enjoyed rare winter romps on the beach.

However by March we found ourselves never leaving the house, while Mom and Dad discussed the rationing of toilet paper, sang songs while washing their hands, and wiped down everything they touched with disinfectants.

We weren’t the only ones not leaving the house. Soon many of our friends were also working from home, and instead of visiting Grandma, we chatted with her through screens.

Also when we did go out, we couldn’t help but wonder why everyone looked like they were preparing to rob a bank, and there were stern warnings not to flock.

It wasn’t all bad though. Asa used this time to organize the attic, and discovered many interesting treasures.

And I used this opportunity to catch up on my reading. I was only 400 years behind, with these books written by the Pilgrims.

Mom learned to cook. Alright, I admit not everything Mom made looked pretty, but at least she tried and it usually tasted good.

Meanwhile after a lot of trial and error, emphasis on the error, Dad mastered the art of giving himself a haircut, while Mom and Asa experimented with new styles.

This year we went on a lot more neighborhood walks.

Not to mention enjoyed countless games of fetch!

After canceling our regularly scheduled vacation, we went on “virtual vacations,” to places we dream of visiting.

And binge watched favorite TV shows. Asa really dug this one!

Looking back on 2020, although Mom and Dad did some really weird things, we did spend a lot of time together as a family. So overall I guess it wasn’t that bad. But paws crossed that we can finally leave the house and go on our adventures again in 2021!