For whatever reason Mom got it into her head that I’m “old” and needed a new bed in the kitchen to replace my current lumpy bumpy bed. Apparently she spent a lot of time looking at just the right bed for “aging” joints and “tired” muscles. But she failed to realize, that’s not me! So to put it in terms she may listen to, I’m going to explain my feelings by citing the Bon Jovi song, “Just Older.”
To quote the song, “I like the bed I’m sleeping in
It’s just like me, it’s broken in
It’s not old — just older!”
I know I’ve had this bed since I was a puppy, and it may not be as firm as it use to be, but I like it! I know each lump and bump, and how to curl up on it to make it comfy. Plus it smells exactly the way I like it, no matter how many times you wash the cover. Speaking of the cover, yes the waterproof liner ripped years ago, but just like Jon Bon Jovi’s “favorite pair of torn blue jeans,” this old bed is “alright with me.” I’m not ready to give up on it. Besides, that new bed makes a weird crunchy noise. How can I get any sleep if every time I roll over it wakes me up?
As for me growing “old,” relax! I know when I look in the mirror, there’s a sugar face staring back at me, but I don’t hate what I see. I earned this white fur! I’ve had a lot to deal with over the years from taking care of Lemmy, raising Asa, not to mention getting abducted by UFOs at the vet’s office more than I care to admit. But I’m still me! So rest assured, you have nothing to worry about. Besides, as the song says, “I’m still chasing dreams, but I ain’t looking over my shoulder!”