You know that time just before dawn when it’s still too dark to see, but you can somewhat make out figures in the shadows? Add to it a thick fog, and that describes our spooky walk yesterday. Before I share the details, I just want to note for the record that I was NOT afraid. I was just messing with Dad and Asa, honest!
Despite being less than ideal conditions, Dad, Asa and myself proceeded on our daily walk. After all, it is our duty to patrol these streets. However, it didn’t take long for us to realize this was no average walk. In the dark we could hear the loud crunching of something walking beside us hidden in the woods. I barked out, “Who’s there?!” The footsteps paused, but I received no response.
Feeling a bit unnerved, we continued on our walk being followed by the mysterious footsteps. That’s when I noticed Dad’s pace slowing down. I strained my eyes to see what he was focused on in the distance. Suddenly I got a quick glimpse of a shadow figure approaching. Were my eyes playing tricks on me? Where did it go? Asa, was that really an ideal time to stop and do your business?
As Dad picked up Asa’s deposit, I got another quick glimpse of the mysterious figure, which I can best describe as a flash of luminescent light, followed by a loud grunt and a stomp from our mysterious stalker in the woods! I could feel Dad flinch on the opposite end of my leash. I decided enough is enough! It was time to turn around and head home! Asa, on the other paw, started pulling towards this foreboding figure coming towards us in the shadows.
Then without any warning, the shadow figure let off a burst of light blinding us, while the grunting in the woods got louder! Was this how our walk would end? Everyone knows the blonde dies first in horror movies! That’s when I heard the familiar voice of our neighbor proclaim, “Oh it’s you!” The tension on my leash subsided, as Dad laughed and said, “We thought you were a ghost too!” As she approached I realized the shimmering light I saw was the sunrise behind us catching quick reflections off of her safety vest.
But what was that grunting? She quickly pointed her flashlight towards the woods, to reveal the biggest deer we have ever seen! However, knowing her cover was blown, the doe ran deeper into the woods. Leaving us alone in silence to continue our walk.