Yesterday marked the 8th anniversary of Asa joining our family. Today we are celebrating the 16th anniversary of Lemmy’s gotcha day! We’ve mentioned before that Lemmy was a very good boy, who emailed his Momma Butter on every holiday – both real and imaginary. For 7 years Lemmy faithfully shared with his beloved Mother his trials and tribulations, and she would write back her words of wisdom, gently guiding her devoted son. When he crossed Rainbow Bridge, I promised I would share my memories of him with Asa. Well today I thought it would be nice to read Lemmy’s thoughts on how his grand adventure began.
January 26, 2007
Dear Mama Butter,
My adventure has begun! Well actually I slept most of the way to my new home. But when I arrived I was wide awake and ready to explore. My new Mom and Dad showed me all around, and after a lot of playing I think I finally wore them out.
I’m not sure how it happened, but somehow the door to my kennel closed after I fell asleep for the night. But when I woke up at midnight, I made sure Mom and Dad knew about the problem. They must really like the fresh air, because they they took me outside then. It was cold, but I took it as a good opportunity to do my business. After that I was so tired I didn’t care that the kennel door mysteriously closed again.
Say “hello” to everyone for me. I’ll write more later. Right now Mom and Dad are pestering me to play.
Love, Lemmy
Dear Lemmy,
Oh how Mama misses you! Your new home looks wonderful. It sounds as though your training of Mom and Dad is coming along well. Keep up the good work. They must like the cold if they take you out so often.
I got up during the night with Grandma to check on my children, but nobody was there. I had to do some crying and then got back into bed next to Gramps.
Thinking of you, keep in touch.
Your loving mother,
January 27, 2007
Dear Mama Butter,
The fun continues here at my new home. Today I met my new Grandparents. They love me, and just stared at me in awe. It’s tough being so adorable sometimes. I’m told by Mom that they haven’t been around too many dogs, so hence all the staring. But I know it’s really because I’m so cute. I also overheard Dad and Mom tell them I’m “amazing” and a “genius” because I have had only a few accidents in the house. Their standards must be very low.
Speaking of playing, Dad showed me this new game called “leash.” I’ll be able to take him everywhere I want now! Today I went for a romp in the woods. Tomorrow we’re going for a car ride, and Monday I’m meeting another new person called “vet.” Didn’t I meet a person by that name with you? I’ll let you know how all that goes.
Having a great time!
Dear Lemmy,
Glad everything is fine in your new home; please be a good boy and do as your parents tell you! You are very cute, so everyone will stare at you. Of course you are a genius! I taught you everything I could before you left.
Mama Butter