On Friday we lost a dear family member and mentor. Lemmy’s Mom, Butter, crossed over rainbow bridge. Lemmy and his Momma Butter were very close. From the day he went to live with Mom and Dad to his final day, he always kept in touch with his mother. He would share his adventures with her, and Butter would always say how proud she was of him, while also dispensing good motherly advice along the way. When Lemmy passed away, Butter continued that relationship with us. I knew if I ever had a question I could always turn to Butter for solid advice, and that she’d be happy with our achievements no matter how small in comparison to her dear Lemmy. I’d like to share with you the first email exchange between Lemmy and Momma Butter, and their last.
January 26, 2007
Dear Momma Butter,
My Adventure has begun! Well actually I slept most of the way to my new home. But when I arrived I was wide awake and ready to explore. My new Mom and Dad showed me all around, and after a lot of playing I think I finally wore them out. I’m not sure how it happened, but somehow my crate door closed after I fell asleep. But when I woke up at midnight, I made sure Mom and Dad knew about the problem. They must really like the fresh air, because they took me outside then. After that I was so tired I didn’t care the crate door mysteriously closed again. Say “hello” to everyone. I’ll write more later. Right now Mom and Dad are pestering me to play.
Love, Lemmy
Dear Lemmy,
Oh how Momma misses you! It sounds as though your training of your parents is coming along well. Keep up the good work. They must like the cold if they take you out so often. I got up during the night to check on my children, but nobody was there. I had to do some crying and then got back into bed. Thinking of you, keep in touch.
Your loving mother, Butter
April 18, 2014
Dear Momma Butter,
I’m starting a new adventure today! Who knows, maybe I’ll finally meet my father! Thanks for being the best Mom a puppy could ask for, and for choosing Joy and Mike for me. Please keep an eye on them and Chuck Billy for me. I Love You!
I’ll see you at the end of the trail.
Love, Lemmy
You have always been the apple of my eye and I love you dearly. You have been a tribute in every way that we Goldens can offer to each other and humankind. You have done your job so well and now it is time…
Please know at the end of the trail there are many of your perfect family members waiting to greet you.
My love always,
Momma Butter
PS: I will watch over Joy and Mike for you.
I’m sure Lemmy was waiting at the end of the trail to greet Butter. And Butter, we promise to watch over Sharon and Peter for you. Thank you Butter for everything… We will always love you!

Momma Butter giving Joy and Mike a firm warning to take good care of her Lemmy before he came home with us.
December 21, 2003 ~ July 8, 2016
We’ll see you at the end of the trail, my friend!