As promised, Asa’s World Tour of Maine has returned to Paris! And this time we are at the correct library in the Paris Hill Historic District of South Paris, Maine! Today it is the Hamlin Memorial Library and Museum, but back in 1822 this imposing building served as the Oxford County Jail.
Asa: Wow, they take Elvis’ “Jailhouse Rock” literally! Look at the size of those granite blocks!

Chuck Billy: Constructed of massive granite blocks quarried in the town of Oxford, the walls on the first floor are 2 feet thick, and the second floor is 18 inches. Each floor was accessed separately from outside, making the four cells on the ground floor, and the two on the second, self-contained. Unfortunately the needs of Oxford County to jail those awaiting trial outgrew this building, and it was replaced with a new jailhouse in 1896. After that it served as a curiosities museum by Dr. Augustus Choate Hamilin, nephew to Vice President Hannibal Hamlin. Eventually it was deeded to the “Ladies of the Paris Hill Library Association” in 1902, and became the library that you see today. Asa what are you doing?
Asa: I’m practicing my Elvis lip, before I sing Jailhouse Rock.

Chuck Billy: This is how you do an Elvis lip.
Asa: You look ridiculous! Do I look that silly when I try?

Chuck Billy: Oops. Our roadies are getting annoyed that we are goofing off. After all this is a library now, and we need to be quiet. Better cut this concert short before someone locks us up. Come on, I’ve got more to show you….

Chuck Billy: Born near the town common of Paris Hill was Hannibal Hamlin, the 15th Vice President of the United States, 1861 to 1865, during President Abraham Lincoln’s first term. Although he and the President had a good working relationship, Hamlin was dropped from the ticket during the run for reelection in an attempt to broaden Abraham Lincoln’s appeal with voters. And well you know what happened to Lincoln during that second term. Hence why most people remember Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, as Lincoln’s Vice President, and not Hannibal Hamlin of Maine.

Asa: What a beautiful area, with its Federal, Greek Revival, and Italianate style of houses. Let’s take a short walk and a drive around the Paris Hill Historic District to look at them.
Chuck Billy: Speaking of drives and interesting architecture, I have another library to show you! Here we are in nearby West Paris at their public library, located on Main Street. Built in 1926, the castle inspired design was built using fieldstone’s from right here in town, and the front door is the original one for the building. The library was a gift from Lewis Mann in honor of his son Arthur, who died years earlier, and whose name can be seen above the door.

Asa: I’ve never been to a real library castle before! I feel the need to sing a parody of a Disney song! “Someday my Prince will return books…”
Chuck Billy: I know this is a concert tour, but please stop singing that ridiculous song! And what happened to your bandana?
Asa: I had a wardrobe malfunction.

While I deal with the aftermath of the wardrobe malfunction, please join us next week as we continue on Asa’s World Tour of Maine!