It’s not uncommon when a loved one passes for them to send a sign to those left behind, such as a rainbow, a cardinal, a familiar smell wafting on the breeze, etc. But is it normal for a loved one to use a tv show to send messages? Specifically the 1980s tv show Alf?
Before you think I’m crazy, let me explain. It all started sometime after Christmas, that whenever we turned on our television it would default to one channel. A channel it never defaulted to before. A channel that apparently shows Alf, 24/7! Who knew such a channel existed? At first we didn’t register that this sitcom about an alien, who crash landed on earth and was living with a family, could have anything to do with Chuck Billy. After all, he was more interested in UFO documentaries than alien shows of the family friendly variety. But after a few days, I started to see the connection. Chuck Billy was brown and fuzzy like Alf, and both are rather opinionated.
Then it dawned on me, Chuck Billy wouldn’t just send silent signs that he was watching over us! The meteor he sent last week was nice and all, but he was always quite vocal! So I started taking note of the soundbites each time someone turned on the tv, before they switched it to another channel. Some are obvious messages from my alien obsessed big brother. Others are a bit less clear. But I have to ask myself, could Chuck Billy be sending me messages through Alf?
Take for example, the first soundbite I paid attention to by the show’s Dad, Willie Tanner, “Alf, what is your obsession with death?” I do admit I’ve been preoccupied by death lately, grieving my brother. When instead I should be focused on all the good memories we made together. This made me pause and reflect. Could he really be sending me a sign?
Then the next time the tv was turned on, I heard Alf say, “Just follow the signs.” Well alright! I am correct in assuming this mysterious 24/7 Alf channel is his way of communicating very important messages to me! I’m following, Chuck Billy! Tell me more!
Oh but then things got confusing, when next time I checked in Alf said, “Trust me on this one. I’ve been wrong on so many things before.” Chuck Billy admit that he was wrong? He’s never done that before! Has crossing Rainbow Bridge made him reassess his actions? What is he trying to tell me? Maybe the messages aren’t from Chuck Billy? Maybe I need to go put on my tinfoil hat! I kept the family away from the tv for a while after that shocker, and got them outside for fresh air walk on the beach. Besides, I needed to clear my head too.
However, I stopped doubting if the messages were from Chuck Billy, when he sent a clear response the following morning of, “I love you too, Mom. Bye bye!” It was early in the morning, before sunrise, and our Mom was sitting in the dark living room petting me, while questioning if Chuck Billy knew how much she loved him. This couldn’t be a coincidence!
The following day, as we pondered how to proceed with the blog, Willie Tanner gave the profound advice of, “We got to protect him. We can’t let anything happen to him.” Replace “him” with the word “blog,” and it is obvious that Chuck Billy wants me to protect his work by continuing it! Or maybe by “protect him,” Chuck Billy is more concerned on the direction the blog will take with me at the helm? I can understand his concern. Even I admit that I can get a little carried away with the singing and dancing.
Apparently Chuck Billy also continues to be obsessed with squirrels from the great beyond. One evening the soundbite was a pizza delivery guy saying, “Sorry I can’t leave it [the pizza] by the tree… The last time we did, a squirrel died.” Is Chuck Billy trying to tell me not to invite my squirrel friends to a picnic? Or just don’t serve them pizza?
However, when the television was turned on again, on the day I took control of the blog, Chuck Billy was there reminding me of what a great brother he was, by having Alf list his finest attributes of “intelligent, great athlete, wonderful sense of humor…” I wish Dad didn’t change the channel so quickly. I’m sure there was more to this message!
Then while feeling incredibly sad without Chuck Billy on our first day back in the office, when we turned on the tv that evening Alf said to the Tanner family in the Thanksgiving episode, “Before you go, I want to voluntarily state I don’t want you to go.” Was this Chuck Billy’s way of apologizing for leaving us? Oh Chuck Billy, we know crossing Rainbow Bridge and leaving us was by far the last thing you wanted to do!
The uncharacteristic apologies continued over this past weekend when Alf proclaimed, “Basically be witness while I apologize for my misdeeds.” Chuck Billy admit he did something wrong? Never! He always blamed someone else, usually me, squirrels, or aliens. Maybe he is having second thoughts? Chuck Billy, please rest assured that you never did anything wrong a day in your life! You were the best dog ufologist, best tour manager, best brother, BEST everything! Oh sure you had your moments when you lost your patience, or may have made a minor mistake or two, but I’m realizing you shouldered a lot of responsibilities. No need to apologize through a 1980s sitcom!
This morning when Mom turned on the tv, Alf was sitting at the kitchen table talking with the family including the grandmother. It was then he proclaimed, “I guess I never mentioned my ability to contact the dead.” He went on to say, “Sometimes we’d just sit around after dinner and if there was nothing good on tv, we’d chat with the dead.” I didn’t hear what else Alf had to say, because Mom let out a loud gasp, and there was the rattle of the pellet stove kicking on. But before the show cut to a commercial break, Alf was dared by the grandmother to prove it, and I’m sure hilarity must have ensued. Chuck Billy, you don’t need to prove it. I hear your message loud and clear that if I need anything I can always talk to you.
I realize this may all be a coincidence that this 24/7 Alf channel appeared as the default following Chuck Billy’s passing. It could even be extraterrestrials testing me. Or maybe, just maybe, it is proof Chuck Billy is going to continue to watch over us and give me advice! Who knows? But for now I want to believe it is him, and will “just follow the signs.”