The Kennebunk Plains, located in Kennebunk, Maine, is a tranquil location to walk your dog. Consisting of approximately 2,000 acres, the miles of sandy trails offer easy walking over gently rolling hills, through grasslands, blueberry barrens, pine heaths, and swampland.
The Kennebunk Plains is home to many unique and rare species of birds, reptiles and plants. In fact it has the world’s largest population of Northern Blazing Star, a threatened plant, whose flowers fill the fields with a sea of purple in late August and early September. It is also home to the endangered Black Racer Snake, as well as Maine’s largest flock of endangered Grasshopper Sparrows. To protect these rare species during nesting season, from May 1 through September 30, dogs must remain on leash, and visitors are asked to stay on the trails. Limited parking is available on both sides of Route 99.
To learn more about other Dog Trails in the area, please visit our Dog Friendly Places page.
Kennebunk Plains
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