I’m learning to walk again…this time wearing goggles! My training continues with my new Rex Specs. My ophthalmologist told me it is important to protect my good eye, especially when playing and on hiking adventures. He did say that it probably wasn’t necessary to wear them while I’m on neighborhood patrol. However, I need the practice getting use to wearing them. What better way than on my daily walks? This way when spring comes, I’ll be ready to answer the call of adventure!
As seen with Mother Nature’s help, distraction and positive reinforcement are my friends when learning to wear goggles. So Mom and Dad go armed with treats, cheery words of encouragement, and the occasional song and dance to keep me motivated on my walks. I have to be honest, it is a big adjustment, and their efforts are appreciated.
Sometimes the goggles annoy me, but I don’t want to disappoint Mom and Dad. Therefore I start to walk slow behind them, and will try to paw at them while keeping the pace. I’m realizing though that I’m not very coordinated or sneaky. They notice every time!
Dad has also noticed that although my good eye is on the right side for my heel, the goggles block my peripheral vision. This isn’t of as much concern on a neighborhood walk because I know where we usually stop for a break, and the route itself. But having my peripheral vision blocked when on an adventure, well that’s more serious. So we are now working on coming up with verbals cues and touches to help me know when it is time to stop, turn right, turn left, etc.
This is a learning process for all of us. Mom tells me it took her awhile to adjust to wearing glasses, and she wears them every day now. So I’m going to adjust too, because nothing is going to slow me down!