Earlier this week I shared my harrowing tale of how I waited forever, or at least over 15 minutes, to eat a piece of kibble that Asa dropped on the floor. Something similar happened to my brother, angel Lemmy, years ago. However, unlike me who was trapped, he had a choice and almost starved due to being a good boy to a fault!
As with my recent situation, it was Mom’s carelessness which sparked this event. That morning she put Lemmy’s bowl down, but forgot to say the all important release command of “OK!” Instead she rushed upstairs to get ready for work. For you see back in those days she worked outside of the home. Therefore had to look presentable before leaving the house.
Being a good boy, too good in my opinion, Lemmy patiently sat there, then laid down, waiting to eat his breakfast. Personally as soon as Mom left the room, I would have realized her mistake and started eating. But I wasn’t around then to give Lemmy good advice. So there he sat patiently waiting.
This wasn’t the first time either that Lemmy refused to eat if the proper command wasn’t said. Once while vacationing at Pepere and Babci’s they forgot what the magic word was! They said every word they thought was logical, but Lemmy just sat there with the most concerned look on his face. For you see that must have been quite some dinner laid out before him. Babci always puts something extra delicious in our bowls. Thankfully they eventually remembered the long list of instructions Mom left, and after skimming through pages upon pages, they found the magic word – “OK!” And Lemmy leaped up to enjoy his dinner.
On that fateful morning with Mom, she eventually came downstairs and saw poor Lemmy laying patiently by his bowl. No doubt weak from hunger if you ask me. She immediately said his command, and kept apologizing and hugging him after he devoured his meal.
To this day everyone still talks about what a good boy Lemmy was, which is strange. Because whereas he followed the command to eat without fail, he often picked and chose which other commands he’d obey. And that doesn’t include the countless times Mom did remember to say the release command and Lemmy would refuse to eat. As Great Nana often said back in those days, “Lemmy was an odd duck!” But we wouldn’t have wanted him to be any other way.