Yesterday I shared with you how my brother, angel Lemmy, failed at getting a summer job. However, my friend Monte was quick to remind me that Lemmy did have a successful career as a model. Lemmy had the honor of being in not one but three juried art shows. Alright, so I probably should give credit to our Uncle for this achievement, because he took the photos. But either way, Lemmy was very proud of his accomplishments.
Lemmy began his modeling career for our Uncle as a young pup way back in 2008 for the “Going to the Dogs” exhibit at The Brush Art Gallery. He soon discovered though that modeling was serious business. In an email to his Momma Butter, Lemmy described the trials and tribulations of his career choice. “Now I know what you’re thinking, that the life of a Super Model is all glitz and glamour. But in reality it is a lot of hard work. My Uncle wanted me to be serious, and kept telling me not to smile; and Dad got in trouble for brushing me too fluffy. Attached are the pictures that Mom took at the grueling photoshoot.”
After his initial fame, Lemmy took a break from the spotlight to pursue his personal interests. But when our Uncle came knocking in 2013 for “Salty Dogs: A Maritime Legacy” at the Essex Shipbuilding Museum, Lemmy couldn’t resist the lure of being in yet another exhibit. Especially since this one had a nautical theme. After all, Lemmy loved the ocean and was named after Mom’s seafaring ancestor. Not to brag, but a photo of me was also submitted to this exhibit. I received honorable mention and was included in the online slideshow.
In 2016 Lemmy once again graced the walls of an art gallery, only this time it was posthumously. Our Uncle surprised Mom with that exciting news on Mother’s Day, which was a very touching surprise for her and Momma Butter, who both deeply miss their special boy. Lemmy: Nocturne in Grey and Gold, was selected for the “Kingdom Animalia” exhibit at the Whistler House Museum of Art. We could feel Lemmy smiling all the way from Rainbow Bridge for that achievement. So I guess although his attempt at more traditional dog jobs never worked out, Lemmy had quite the prestigious career after all.