This week we shared with you Chuck Billy’s secret romance, and Asa’s goofy attempt at finding love. So we thought we’d round out the week with Lemmy’s tale of unrequited love.
Lemmy was only a few months old when he fell head over paws for Cora, the teacher’s pet at puppy kindergarten. Mom can’t remember how old Cora was at the time, but being a mature Rottweiler, she didn’t want anything to do with a goofy Golden Retriever puppy. However, being a gentle soul, and wanting to set a good example for these young pupils, she tolerated Lemmy’s antics…at first.
Before each class there was puppy playtime, and during that time Lemmy would happily trot around following Cora with big puppy dog eyes. He worshipped her every move and desperately would try to get her to play but with no results. He then tried to win her over by showing off his athletic abilities by playing with the other pups. This only got Lemmy banned from playtime when he accidentally sent one tiny little chap flying across the room with an ill-timed hind end swing.
After weeks of desperately trying to show Cora how much he cared, Lemmy finally decided it was time to make his move. And boy what a move it was! Lemmy awkwardly swaggered over to her with his big floppy paws, and gangly body that he was still growing into, and attempted to….well let’s just say he got a little too frisky that day. Cora immediately leaped up, whipped around, growling at him. Frightened, Lemmy not only hit the floor on his belly, he peed himself! Thus making him the laughing stock of all his fellow students, as Mom led him away with his wet belly. For the remainder of the class Lemmy never went near Cora, and from that day forward he never dared to ask a girl out on so much as a date.