Asa here. Everyone has that one socially awkward friend that you love dearly, but they’re definitely not the life of the party. Maybe they’re a bit too loud. Or perhaps they are very opinionated. Whatever the reason, when it comes to party invitations, theirs is inevitably “lost in the mail.” Well for me, that friend is Chuck Billy, and because of him neither of us were invited to the big neighborhood party. Guilt by association, I guess?
Recently the Deer and the Wild Turkeys threw a big party in our yard. In attendance were four Deer and nine Wild Turkeys! Despite this rare social gathering taking place right outside our living room window, Chuck Billy and I weren’t invited. For about an hour I could hear all the fun they were having. Tom Turkey would gobble a corny joke, and one of the Deer would snort in amusement. Momma Deer and Momma Turkey could be seen sharing a meal, while catching up on the latest neighborhood gossip. And the young Deer happily showed the Wild Turkeys their favorite treats. All in all a good time was had by all, except for us because we weren’t invited.
I don’t blame them though. Chuck Billy is always barking at them, and telling them they are not welcomed in our yard. I don’t understand why though, there’s plenty of room for everyone. Every spring, he also gets very angry when he sees Momma Turkey feeding her chicks in our strawberry patch. Not to mention he got downright hostile when the Deer snacked on our delicious wild blueberries. But again, I don’t understand why. We’ve got plenty of food, and it’s nice to share with them. Besides, it’s not like the Deer and Wild Turkeys can send their Mom to the grocery store to buy more fresh fruit like we can do. Yet Chuck Billy insists on barking.
Luckily the Deer and the Wild Turkeys have grown accustomed to his outlandish remarks, and continue to visit so I can watch them from the window. I just wish we could all get along and hang out at the same party. After all, it’s the neighborly thing to do!

A picture of a few of the party guests. Sorry, it’s blurry. I had to take it from the window since I wasn’t invited.

For a moment I got excited and thought they even had party games…but realized it’s just the angle I was watching them.
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