Love is in the air this February! We all know that Chuck Billy loves playing fetch. We also know that for years he has insisted on only playing with his one true love, a bacon scented squeaky ball. However, what we didn’t know is when did this love affair with this specific ball begin? Well Chuck Billy isn’t the only detective in this family. Time to put my research skills to work and find out! And wow was I surprised by what I discovered!
Originally I assumed that the ball was first given to Chuck Billy as a gift. But that assumption is incorrect! The first bacon scented squeaky ball was a gift to me from my Babci and Pepere for my first birthday in November 2015! But being too “cool” to play with a puppy’s toy, Chuck Billy ignored it! Sorry the photo isn’t very good. Had we known how life changing this gift would be, I’m sure Mom would have tried to take a better picture!

Although as time passed, I do suspect based on this photo he was somewhat intrigued by the squeak. Or just annoyed by my constant squeaking of it. As I recall, it was around this time it became an “outside only” toy.

Scrolling through hundred of photos later, the next appearance of the bacon ball was in February 2016. However, again it was me photographed playing with it, not Chuck Billy, who was still preferring his tennis ball. However, you can see in this photo his resistance is weakening.

Scrolling through more photos, my sharp eye spied the packaging for a new one in a gift basket, given to both Chuck Billy and me by the Easter Bunny that March. There were also pictures in the days following that visit to my grandparents’ of me playing with that ball. However, once again Chuck Billy insisted on playing with any ball except that bacon scented squeaky.

But then on April 17, 2016, Chuck Billy couldn’t resist it any longer! We have our first photos of Chuck Billy playing fetch with the Bacon Scented Squeaky Ball! Just look at the love in his eyes! And from there, the two have been inseparable!

Who says there’s no such thing as second chances at love? Thank you Babci and Pepere for introducing Chuck Billy to his one true love.