Low Battery Alert

Asa and I noticed that Mom and Dad’s batteries aren’t at 100% lately. Therefore we’ve decided that for the next 2 weeks we are going to unplug and help them recharge. Well that and apparently according to our Human Resources department, we owe them a vacation. They surprisingly put in a lot of work helping Asa and I share our adventures daily. Who knew?

This decision to take a break from posting is one we don’t take lightly. After all October is one of our favorite months to share hauntingly good stories. But it has become apparent we need to slow down. We’ll miss you all, and promise we’ll be back before the end of the month, so that we can do our countdown to Halloween.

Until then, please take care and watch out for each other. If you want to catch up on our previous adventures, go to LivingwithaGolden.com and you can find our archives. Asa and I live a rather exciting life. No wonder Mom and Dad’s batteries are running low!

*yawn* Now please excuse us while Asa and I put our heads together on how to help them recharge.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

1 comments on “Low Battery Alert”

  1. Larry Barmash

    You are Love and Light to us. We will see you when you are back

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