Mother Nature, I’m not one to tell someone how to do their job, but you’ve really been slacking off this winter. It’s January in Maine, and yet we can still see the grass here in southern Maine, and north of us isn’t fairing much better. Perhaps you’ve forgotten what winter in Maine should look like? Grab a cup of hot chocolate, or maybe an ice coffee to get you in the mood, and settle back to enjoy these photos and videos from 2015 when Asa joined our family.
Look at the blizzard you sent us exactly 6 years ago on January 27, 2015. Ok, so I almost lost Asa in all the snow, but he was little then. He’s much taller now and can fend for himself. So go ahead, give us your best shot of snow!

Speaking of small, look at how much fun I was having running in the snow in this video. Asa was much too small to enjoy it that day. Wouldn’t you like to send us a similar race track this year? There’s still plenty of time to do it!
Ok, I do realize that 2015 was one of the snowiest winters on record. As our friends Odin and Stella reminded us, we received enough snow to bury a moose standing up. You don’t necessarily have to cover a moose, or even our fence like in this photo, but just look at that winter wonderland!

Please Mother Nature, help us make more magical Maine winter memories by sending us snow this year! We’re staying home during the pandemic. Why not make it fun for us!

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