We discovered that today is National Belly Laugh Day. It is also Asa’s gotcha day anniversary. Coincidence? I think not! For 8 years Asa has been making us laugh with his goofy Golden personality. So to celebrate we are giving Asa the spotlight to share his jokes. Asa, take it away!
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Icy who?
Icy you!

Where do snowmen keep their money?
In snowbanks!

I once got offered a job studying fog but I turned it down.
Looking back, I now think it was a mist opportunity.

Why don’t lobsters share their food?
Because they are shellfish!

What crashes onto the shore on very small beaches?

A Honey Bee lands on a flower, but is quickly shooed away by a spider already on it. Perturbed, she flies away to land on a different flower.
It was a cross pollination!

A guy walks into a bar…
and he was disqualified from the limbo contest!

Did you hear about the guy who invented the knock knock joke?
He won the No-Bell prize!

That’s it! Enough with the jokes! But if you want to join Asa in celebrating National Belly Laugh Day, according to the founders at 1:24 PM (local time) “smile, throw your arms in the air, and laugh out loud!”