Seven years ago on this date I joined my family and changed their lives for the better! Oh sure Lemmy was happy living with just Mom and Dad, but he didn’t know what he was missing. Luckily for them, I was a precocious puppy; clever, mature, and ready to lead them on an even grander adventure!

That Lemmy was such a jokester when I first came home.

But with a little subtle persuasion, he soon saw life from a different perspective.

After a short time, my big brother Lemmy couldn’t get enough of me…

…and my dogged determination.

Soon we were sharing everything, and I do mean everything!

I even taught mild mannered Lemmy how to get in touch with his inner wolf.

But I can’t take credit for everything. My “be prepared” for anything attitude comes from Lemmy trying to sign me up for Tiger Cub Scouts.

Oh sure, there were at times a bit of a learning curve for me.

But overall I was a good problem solver…

…who wasn’t afraid to take a different approach to life.

Even at such a young age, I proved myself to be an intrepid explorer…

…ready to conquer any obstacle in my path.

Yep, Lemmy, Mom and Dad sure were lucky that I entered this family seven years ago today, and changed their lives for the better.