December 21, 2017 marked the 5th anniversary of the uneventful Mayan Apocalypse. A date that Ancient Alien Theorists were convinced marked the onset of an Alien invasion, or at least the end of the world. You have to ask yourself, is it a coincidence that there’s been an increase in UFO sightings on the 5th anniversary? As a Dog Ufologist, the answer is a resounding NO!
In case you didn’t hear, while we were celebrating the Holidays, UFOs were hovering over our heads! In fact, one sighting occurred almost exactly on the 5th anniversary of that ill-fated ancient prediction. On December 22, 2017, countless people reported seeing an unexplained bright light streaking over California! Scientists tried to dismiss it as just a SpaceX Rocket delivering satellites to outer space. But even the CEO of SpaceX, Elon Musk, put that into question by simply tweeting “Nuclear alien UFO from North Korea.” He’s the CEO, if anyone should know if it’s a rocket or a UFO, it’s him! Need more evidence? In the early evening on December 26, 2017 a UFO was captured in the skies by the cameras on the summit of Mount Agamenticus in York, Maine. We even have a reliable eye witness, our friend Pye’s Mom saw it streaking overhead while driving home. And Pye’s Mom wouldn’t lie. Oh sure, the “experts” said it was “possibly” a meteor. However as a Dog Ufologist, I know the Truth!
The Aliens have waited just long enough for us to let our guard down, and are choosing now to invade our planet! And I should know too, because my big brother Lemmy made sure I was safe in his bunker for the Mayan Apocalypse in 2012. I’ve been on guard watching the skies for UFOs ever since!

Lemmy and I celebrating the Merry Mayan Apocalypse on December 21, 2012 from an undisclosed location.
In fact, my theory is the Aliens flew over one of my favorite winter hiking locations, Mount Agamenticus, precisely because they knew there’s a good chance I could be there. Aliens don’t take kindly to Dog Ufologists warning fellow dogs about UFO abductions. Thank goodness Mother Nature protected me with this deep freeze, keeping me home safe and sound and away from that mountain top. However, just to be on the safe side, Asa and I will be ringing in the New Year in my bunker in an undisclosed location! I strongly recommend you do the same.

Asa, stop watching that 2017 Year in Review show, and concentrate! Hiding from UFOs is serious and shouldn’t be taken lightly!
[Asa’s Rebuttal: Personally I think Chuck Billy’s insistence on being in his bunker has more to do with hiding from the neighbor’s New Year’s Eve fireworks this weekend, than an actual UFO invasion. But then again, I wasn’t around for the Mayan Apocalypse in 2012, so what do I know?]