Yesterday we introduced you to our world traveling Dutch cousin, Mushu! The reason for Mushu’s visit was to help clean out a home that has been in our family for generations. As you can imagine that was an emotional process for the humans, going through so many memories. But there was one emotion they weren’t expecting to feel….fright!
On that particular morning, our Mom and Great Aunt were upstairs looking at old photos that they had found. Staring back at them from those black and white photos were the smiles of departed loved ones when they were young, and others that seemed familiar, but remained unnamed. When all of a sudden they heard what sounded like footsteps on the stairs. They of course assumed that Dad and our Great Uncle had returned from an errand.
However, after calling “in here!” but with no response, they glanced into the hall. No one was there. Assuming the person had put something in a different bedroom and went back downstairs, they headed down to show the photos. But no one was there either. Our Great Aunt opened the front door and saw the car was not there. Unnerved, she began calling, “who’s there?” while Mom searched the downstairs. But all they found was Mushu standing alone in the living room.
Without missing a beat, Mushu turned to an empty chair. A chair that was a favorite of a departed loved one. And Mushu began barking and growling at the empty chair! “Is it a ghost?” Mom gasped! “Who is it, Mushu?” asked our Great Aunt. But then not wanting to scare them too badly, Mushu made it clear that he was barking at his ball that had rolled under the chair.
It was then that Mom noticed his brush was on the floor in the living room. Mushu must have made that thump, thump, thump noise on the stairs carrying down his brush, which was kept in a bedroom. Oh how Mom and our Great Aunt laughed at their silliness for how mischievous Mushu scared them! Thanks Mushu, they sure needed a good laugh that day!