Mom, Heel! Dad, Heel! Leave it! No! No! No! Drop it, now! That’s not yours! Don’t make me chase you! Get back here this instant!
Dear Readers, my sincere apologies that you had to witness me disciplining my humans. But Mom and Dad have been overly excited about the Holidays and not behaving. Each time delivery trucks arrive, they forget all of their training, and don’t listen to me when barking their commands. I do admit it is cute how Mom and Dad will perk up at their desks at the sight of the trucks in front of the house, and then leap to run down the stairs, both while shouting, “Don’t peek! I ordered Christmas presents!”
But then things quickly turn embarrassing when they dart out the door to greet the delivery people. Mom and Dad, they have a very important job delivering packages. In fact I would hazard to guess that delivery drivers drop off way more gifts than Santa, and there’s no way they can do it all in one night. So please don’t slow them down with small talk! Trust me, they’ve heard all the goofy puns, and don’t need to hear your commentary on the weather. Besides, how can Asa and I surprise you with the gifts we ordered, if you examine all the boxes being dropped off?
So come inside this minute, and remember your training!