We’ve been keeping a secret from you. Mom’s surgery in early March didn’t go as well as we hoped. The doctor realized she needs a bigger surgery. Then the pandemic hit, and Mom has been nervously waiting for it to be scheduled. Personally, I don’t know why she didn’t go see my veterinarian, Dr. Doug. He saw me for appointments with no problem twice these past few months. He does great job with stitches too! But no one listens to me.
Mom will be having surgery next week, and will need to take a few weeks off from being our administrative assistant. Also because she will need our care, Asa and I will be taking a break from posting our adventures for awhile. Paws crossed that Mom behaves and obeys her strict bed rest orders, which unfortunately means no walks or fetch in the foreseeable future. I have my cone of shame ready though in case Mom gets curious about her stitches.
We promise that once Mom is feeling better we’ll be back! In the meantime, Asa and I would appreciate positive thoughts for Mom. She’s trying to be brave, but we can tell that she and Dad are worried, and quite frankly we’ve been on edge too. Asa has been extra clingy with Mom lately, while I’ve been busy instructing Dad on all the things Mom does for us, that he’ll have to do now. That’s why we’ll be taking the rest of this week off from posting too, while we help Mom prepare. Thank you! We’ll see you again in a few weeks.