Marc Brown once wrote, “Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.” Although I’m quick to point out my superiority, when it comes down to it, Lemmy and Asa are rather awesome too in their own unique ways. So to celebrate National Siblings Day, I’m going to compliment my brothers.
Lemmy is the oldest, and took his responsibilities as our family’s first dog quite serious. Asa and I owe a lot of gratitude towards Lemmy for molding Mom and Dad into the fine helicopter dog parents that they are today. He has since crossed Rainbow Bridge, but is fondly remembered as being handsome and virtuous. Although at times Lemmy was also a bit of a curmudgeon. Let’s just say Lemmy had strong opinions on what he liked and didn’t like. However as time goes on, his strengths outweigh his weaknesses, and he has assumed the title of “Saint Lemmy,” since his passing. Although I only knew him for barely 2 years, Lemmy’s life lessons have stuck with me.
Asa is my youngest sibling, and is the complete opposite in personality than Lemmy. Asa is the extrovert of our family, always ready to greet the day and embrace whatever it holds with unbridled enthusiasm. Though he is often seen as comic relief, Asa is also extremely dedicated and loyal towards his family and friends. He’s not much of a watch dog, but I know he will always have my back.
Asa here. Thanks Chuck Billy! As the middle sibling, I see you as having the best qualities of both Lemmy and myself. With Lemmy’s illness you had to put aside your puppyish ways and assume a lot of responsibilities within our family at a very young age. However, despite your serious nature, you’ve never outgrown your playfulness. Chuck Billy, thank you for being my brother, and sharing your memories of Lemmy with me.