I saw a UFO! Or at least I think I saw a UFO. I guess that’s why they are called “Unidentified Friends Outside.” I’m really not sure what I saw, but I do know Angel Chuck Billy would want me to investigate! However, whereas Chuck Billy liked to take meticulous notes, filling countless notebooks with his research, I’m more of a visual investigator. Therefore, I’m applying the methodological approach I learned by watching the Hallmark Mystery Channel – the suspect board!
The event that sparked this investigation is as follows: I was sitting in the office, staring at a snowdrift blocking my view out the window, when all of a sudden something on the opposite side of the snow appeared!

Then it was gone before I could comprehend what I saw, only to reappear even closer moments later! Disappearing again just as quickly, but with a distinct scraping sound, thank goodness Mom was able to snap a photo! Who was this UFO visiting my porch roof?

I rushed downstairs to gather my crayons, glitter and yarn to make my first UFO Mystery Investigation Board! On the Hallmark mystery movies, they put what is being investigated in the center of the board. But not truly knowing what I saw, I didn’t want to jump to conclusions. Therefore put I put googly eyes and a question mark as placeholders. It’s good to keep an open mind, you know.
From there I added my usual friends who appear on the porch roof, including, Mr. Squirrel, Mrs. Birdie, and Santa. But I know from watching those mystery movies, that it is never the obvious friend. Therefore, I added some outliers that I’ve never personally seen on the porch roof, but could come to visit.
Finally using a series of color coded yarn I drew connections, placing stars at key nexus points.

Now comes the hard part of figuring out what this all means! So much yarn…so little answers! They make it look so much easier in the movies.

I wish Dad wasn’t outside roof raking the snow off the porch. I really could use his insight into my investigation.