Today is the anniversary of my Gotcha Day! It’s hard to believe it was only five years ago that I was hanging out in the whelping box with my brothers and sisters. Thankfully, we’re a tight knit group, and I still keep in touch with many of my siblings. Yep, those certainly were carefree days filled with eating, sleeping and playing. However even at that young age, I knew that I was destined for bigger responsibilities! After all my name in the whelping box was “Little Man!” So after a few last words of advice from Momma Sage and Grandma Rue, I headed home with my new parents, and my new name of Chuck Billy!

Grandma Rue giving me advice, while Momma Sage gave me one last once over before leaving the whelping box for my grand adventure.
From the moment I got in Dad’s car I was surrounded by new things to explore and smell. I immediately got to work chewing on the seatbelt to make sure they were good and strong in the event of an accident. Protecting my family has been a priority ever since day one, you know! On that first car ride I even taught Dad how to use the child safety window locks, when I showed him how easily the windows could be opened by curious paws. Good thing Mom was sitting in the backseat with me to take notes on my quality control tests!
Eventually I arrived at my new home, and I couldn’t wait to meet my new big brother, Lemmy! Apparently though, the feeling wasn’t mutual. Lemmy took one look at me and hid behind Dad! Seriously, the dog that was suppose to be my mentor, my protector, and my best friend was hiding behind Dad like I was some sort of monster! Way to go making a puppy feel welcomed! I immediately took control of the situation, and greeted Lemmy the Golden handshake so he’d know there was nothing to fear. Soon we were playing like we’ve known each other for…15 minutes. Ok, so Lemmy was a bit awkward and didn’t know what to make of me at first, but eventually he snapped out of it and we ran around together.
While Dad took Lemmy for a walk and to have what I hoped was a heart to heart conversation with him on the proper way to treat me, I happily followed Mom inside to explore my new home. It was a gated community! After surveying the kitchen, I set my attention on the room behind the gate. It didn’t take long for me to discover where the fence was missing a bar, and in a blink of an eye I was on the other side of the gate in the living room! After that Mom tied a rocking chair pad there to keep me from trespassing. I don’t dare tell her I’m too big and can’t possibly fit through anymore. Anyways, while in the living room, I used it as an opportunity to test the stain resistant quality of the carpet. No wonder they had a gate, that rug was super absorbent! Once I was back in the kitchen, I waited for Lemmy to return while I settled in to test out my new toys. Ok, some were easier to figure out than others. Not sure how that teething ring got stuck on my nose!
After what seemed like an eternity Lemmy returned from his walk, and once again we headed out to play. I thought things were going good, but when we came inside Lemmy retreated upstairs and refused to come down until dinner time. No worries. This gave me time to get to know my new Mom and Dad, and figure out my role in their pack. That’s when it hit me. I wasn’t the little brother, I was alpha dog! Suddenly the weight of the world was on my fuzzy little shoulders. No wonder Momma Sage specifically picked Mom, Dad and Lemmy for me. She knew they needed someone to take charge and guide their Golden Wolf Pack! From that day forward I led them on new adventures, fearlessly protected them danger, and helped Lemmy to get in touch with his inner wolf. In fact, now that I think of it, Lemmy was the same age then, as I am now. How did they ever survive so long without me? I admit there was quite a learning curve for Lemmy and me. But through my patience and guidance we eventually became the best of friends, whether he liked it or not! Yep, hard to believe just five years ago today, I changed Mom, Dad and Lemmy’s lives for the better. Thanks Momma Sage for sending me to such a great family who needed me!