Twelve years ago on this date, I spent my last day in the whelping box with my siblings, before setting out on my grand adventure! I’m feeling rather nostalgic, so please join me as I reminisce about my gotcha day. I was one of 9 siblings, 5 boys and 4 girls in the Ice Litter. We got our name because we were born on January 30, 2012 during an ice storm. We sure did a lot of growing up those first 8 weeks together, from opening our eyes, to our first steps on wobbly legs, to enjoying our first solid food. Alright, truth be told, we slept a lot too. But those were carefree days, when everything was new and exciting.
Oh boy did we have a lot of fun in the whelping box together! I was really mellow back then compared to my siblings, especially Mr. Red and Mr. Green. Those two spent their days plotting how to break out of the whelping box and getting into all sorts of mischief. Back in those days, Momma Sage called me “Little Man.” I was the smallest of the litter, and not to brag, but a favorite of her human boy. We were best buds. He would frequently take me out of the whelping box to watch TV together on the couch. In fact he taught me everything I know about football and the New England Patriots. I watched my first Super Bowl with him. Just like me, he’s all grown up now. But I do still think of him often. His younger human sister was also my first friend. She would come rushing home from school to hang out in the whelping box with us. I still remember how pretty her hair smelled, and how I couldn’t resist nibbling it from time to time! She was the one who taught me how to climb stairs. With her cheering me on, I knew I could do anything! She’s a young woman now, but in my heart she’ll always be that little girl who loved me.
Their Mom, my Momma Sage’s human mom, also took wonderful care of us, spending many nights sleeping by our whelping box, watching to make sure we all got plenty to eat, and cleaning up our inevitable messes. Thanks to her, she expanded my world beyond the whelping box. She introduced me to my first adventure in the great outdoors, by letting us play in the yard! Thus beginning my life long love of answering the call of adventure. She even took me on my first car ride! It was to the veterinarian’s office. But she made it so much fun I didn’t mind all the poking and prodding that day. I owe a great deal of gratitude to her for helping my Momma Sage pick out the perfect family for me.
Most of all I owe everything to my Momma Sage for always being there for me during my formative weeks. I knew I could count on her to watch over me and my siblings. It must have been exhausting taking care of 9 puppies, but she never complained. Momma Sage earned her angel wings in 2020. But she sent me a beautiful rainbow to let me know she arrived safely at Rainbow Bridge, and to show me and my siblings that she is still watching over us. This Saturday, March 30th, would have been Momma Sage’s 15th birthday.
I was fortunate enough to keep in touch with most of my Ice Litter siblings. Sadly Miss Purple was the first to go on ahead of us over Rainbow Bridge. She gained her angel wings before her grand adventure even began. However, she’s been our guardian angel, and joining us in spirit on our grand adventures.
My brother Duncan hosted wonderful family reunions, where we could run and swim together. His “Duncanball” dives into the pool were legendary! He never lost his mischievous ways from when he was known as Mr. Red, diving out of the whelping box. Sadly though, he crossed Rainbow Bridge far too young, but was happily waiting with Miss Purple at the end of the trail to welcome our Momma Sage and siblings.
My sister Saffy worked at a veterinarian’s office with her human Dad. Despite her clean demeanor during the week, oh boy did she love to let loose on her days off and enjoy a romp in the mud! I know in my heart she is with our Aunt Brie playing in the best mud puddles over The Bridge.
My brother Ryder had the best homecoming video! His parents brought him home a day early, and surprised his two little humans after school. He enjoyed many an idyl summer afternoon cruising on his family’s boat. Ryder sailed across Rainbow Bridge in early January.
After moving away from New England, my brother Cooper was blessed with two of his very own little humans to accompany him on adventures. Cooper followed Ryder over The Bridge just weeks before their 12th birthday in January.
Of the three siblings that I lost touch with over the years, I know one sister crossed a few years ago, after enjoying a lovely life with her family. As for my other two siblings, I was told they may have gone on to the next chapter of their grand adventures over Rainbow Bridge, but I know in my heart wherever they are, that they are happy. Who knows, maybe today they are all reminiscing about their whelping box days like I am, and sharing happy memories, while eating cake. Sister Saffy would insist that each got a cake!
Twelve years ago today, I was the last of my Ice Litter siblings to leave the whelping box, and begin my grand adventure. Thank you Momma Sage for picking the perfect family for me, and preparing me for life beyond the whelping box. I may be a lot bigger now, and my Golden fur has turned to sugar, but deep down, I’ll always be your “Little Man!”

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