It occurred to me that I haven’t seen any UFOs or little green men lurking about lately. So I thought I’d check in on what the Martians are up these days. According to several articles published in February 2020, scientists have discovered that there is a quiet but constant humming coming from Mars! Sure scientists with NASA’s InSight Lander mission attribute the vibrations to wind and seismic activity on this otherwise dormant planet. However, as a renowned Dog Ufologist I have a different theory!
The 2.4 hertz droning on Mars is due to the aliens being nervous! From my research here on Earth, I know that my Mom tends to hum when nervous. Boy has she been humming a lot lately! Perhaps the extraterrestrials, who call Mars home, are worried about what is going on with our planet and are nervously humming too?
After all, although the new stay at home orders across the globe are making it easier to find humans for alien abductions, it is now harder for them to sneak them onto their UFOs. If someone suddenly goes missing, the people they are self-quarantining with will notice, and are bound to ask questions. Also neighbors are very alert lately about people from “away” coming into their state. Therefore, they are more likely to take videos and report UFOs they see hovering over homes.
Thankfully, aliens understand that their sudden appearance now would throw our planet into a state of chaos. Therefore, they are keeping a low profile at the moment, leading them to become a nervous ball of humming energy on Mars. Just like us, they are not use to staying at home either, and are itching to take their UFOs out for a spin.
However, unlike Mom’s nervous humming which can be heard around the house, the vibrations coming from Mars fall below the range that’s audible to conscious humans. I wish Asa and I were that lucky with Mom! But as with Mom, we’ll give the Martians the same pep talk we give her. Hang in there, we just need to stay home a bit longer and eventually all will be right in our world once more!