Listen up pups! There has been a major change to the dog beach rules at Bay View Beach, Kinney Shores, and Camp Ellis in Saco, Maine. Dogs will continued to be allowed. However, dogs need to be leashed and under control of their responsible handler from April 1st to September 30th on beaches in Saco where piping plovers or terns are present or have traditionally nested. Previously, dogs only had to be on-leash on the beach from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in July and August. Now they must be on a leash no longer than 12 feet, at all times from April through September. Also as with the previous rule, they must stay 100 feet away from protected nesting areas. However, from October 1st through March 31st dogs can be off-leash if they are under “Voice Control and Sight Control.”
Please especially take note of that last part about the off-season, under Voice Control and Sight Control. In addition to protecting the pipping plovers, this new leash law was also enacted due to the increase in complaints about loose dogs who were becoming a nuisance, damaging property, or, worst yet, attacked other dogs. The term “Voice Control” means that the dog returns immediately to and remains by the side of the responsible party in response to that person’s verbal command. “Sight Control” means that a dog is always within sight of the responsible party and the dog complies with a Voice Command. This is an important reminder to everyone, if you’re not good at your recall, and your manners aren’t ideal, keep the leash on even when permitted to be off-leash. All it takes is a few naughty pups to ruin it for all dogs.
For more information about the Saco dog ordinances for beaches and recreational areas, please visit If you’d like to read our review of these beaches, written prior to these new rules but updated for 2021, please visit our Dog Friendly Places page for Bay View Beach and Kinney Shores. There you can also learn more about other dog beaches in the area. Please note that Ferry Beach State Park in Saco continues to NOT allow dogs.