Remember that new dog bed I received for my birthday that I didn’t like? Well it’s still an awful bed, but as a training tool for Mom and Dad it is awesome! As you know, training Mom and Dad, and not letting them slip back into bad habits, has been an ongoing struggle for me. So the addition of this dog bed to my collection of training tools is exactly what I needed!
Lately Mom and Dad have not been giving myself and Asa their undivided attention. This especially holds true in the evening when we all settle in the living room to relax. Would you believe there are some nights they choose to ignore petting me, and focus on the TV instead? Well not anymore!
The waterproof cover on my new bed makes a very loud crinkly noise with even the slightest movement. Terrible for trying to take a nap, yet perfect for drawing attention to myself! All Asa and I need to do is circle repeatedly on it to “nest,” and within seconds Mom is calling us over to pet us to stop that annoying noise.
Now I admit that as usual Dad is a lot more stubborn and harder to train. He will often resort to turning up the volume on the TV to deafening levels to drown out the sound of the bed, rather than give in to my demands. However, that only gets him rebuked by Mom, and a timeout in whatever they were watching. Eventually, Dad has no choice but to turn the volume down, and invite us over to sit with him, where we will get petted. This bed also works well while the humans are on the phone or in zoom meetings too.
In the past I use to drop my bone repeatedly on the hard tile floor to get attention. But after Asa damaged his tooth on a bone, those went away. However, Mom paid too much money for this dog bed for it to go anywhere! Even better, the crinkly fabric used for the waterproof cover not only makes it too noisy for the bedroom and office, it also makes it slippery on the kitchen tile floor. So for the foreseeable future this dog bed is staying in the living room, where I can continue to use it to train Mom and Dad to give me their undivided attention every evening!