For the record, I was NOT afraid. I was simply conducting a drill should this had been an actual emergency, which it was NOT. It was just a drill. This needs to be understood before proceeding with my recounting of how events unfolded here last week. I repeat, I was not afraid. I was never afraid!
Last Thursday was an ordinary day in our home. I was in the office, supervising Dad with my eyes closed. It helps me to concentrate, you know. And Asa was seated next to Dad, being no help at all, as he daydreamed gazing out the window. Mom was downstairs vacuuming.
When all of a sudden a loud crack of thunder startled me from my nap, I mean work, followed by a bright flash of lightning. Instantly I recognized this was a teachable moment to ensure my family knew what to do in the event on an emergency! Without pausing to reflect on my well conceived plan, I was rocketing out of the office downstairs to find Mom.
By then the storm was overhead, with thunderous, house shaking booms, and lightning as bright as a sunny day. Thankfully, Mom was somewhat aware of the storm, as she had unplugged the vacuum and was putting it away. But clearly she had not read my emergency plan procedures. Note to self: Post the plan on the back of all doors for future reference. But I digress. After surprising her with my sudden entrance, I proceeded to race back and forth between her and the stairs. I really should have only needed to do this once, but Mom was slow to understand the magnitude of the situation. Proof as to why we needed this drill.
Eventually Mom did realize I wanted her to follow me upstairs to the safety of the office. Once there, I next had to find Asa who took this opportunity to sneak out of the office to grab a sock. At least Dad knew the drill and remained working at his desk. Once I secured everyone in the office, I laid down on one side of Mom in her office chair, and Asa, pretending to remember the plan, laid down on the other side. The emergency drill was complete, just in time too, as the storm had already passed as quickly as it started.
I repeat though I was NOT afraid! Therefore, Mom’s comments that I reminded her of Angel Lemmy in a thunderstorm were completely unfounded! Lemmy was terrified of thunder, and Mom spent many a storm sitting under the kitchen table with him. HA! Like under a table is a safe place to be in a storm? What did he know! Dad could never fit under there too, never mind all four of us. No, my plan of gathering everyone together in the office is sheer genius. You’re welcome, family!