As you can see from the attached picture I am not happy. Why am I not happy, you ask? Everyone knows this is not my side of the travel crate. However, either Asa was not paying attention when he jumped into the car, or this is one of his bad jokes, because currently he is in my spot.
My spot has not been chosen by some idle whim. A lot of thought and consideration went into me declaring that the passenger side of our travel crate is mine. This side allows me to have a perfect view of Dad driving. If for any reason his GPS app doesn’t work, I am available to guide him to our destination with my keen sense of smell and acute observation skills. Dad’s observational skills are clearly inferior because he did not react when Asa jumped into my spot.
My spot also is purposefully located behind Mom. Mom understands my comfort is of the utmost importance and will angle the vents towards me at all times forgoing her own comfort. In the summer, my side of the crate enjoys the cool air conditioning, and in the winter being in the direct path of the vents keeps me warm.
Another reason I am adamant that I always stay on my side of the crate is because unlike Asa I respect my belongings. My side of the crate is clean. There are no bits of leaves or seaweed brought back as souvenirs. There are no mud splatters from forgetting to shake before entering the car. Asa’s side, the side I am incorrectly sitting in at the moment, is quite frankly a hazmat site.
So as we travel to our destination, I will stare at Mom and Dad in disapproval until they pull over and correct this blatant injustice.