I wasn’t going to share these two signs from my big brother, angel Lemmy, that we received this week. However, when I told Grandma about the second one, she said Lemmy clearly wants to add a couple more stories to the ones I shared on Monday. So who am I to disagree with Lemmy?
The first sign from Lemmy came on Saturday when Mom and Asa were decorating for Christmas. Lemmy absolutely detested change, especially when it came to inside the house. He believed everything has a place and everything in their place. So when Mom would break out the Christmas decorations and start festooning the house, he would let her know in no uncertain terms he did not approve. Lemmy would pace back and forth in front of the fireplace looking up at the mantle grunting. Then he would pick up whatever was within reach and bring it back to the box it came from. Finally Lemmy would retreat to his favorite pouting spot under the sofa table, and would refuse to eat his dinner in silent protest of Mom’s merriment.
Therefore, it was of no real surprise to any of us on Saturday when Lemmy’s angel figurine, given to us by Grandma when he crossed Rainbow Bridge, came flying off the mantle when no one was even near it. Further proof of who the culprit was, is that Lemmy didn’t have a mean bone in his body, and he never intentionally broke anything. So although the angel did break upon hitting the brick hearth, it was a clean break and was easily glued back together. The angel is now back on the mantle, surrounded by garland, so I’m sure Lemmy is silently stewing somewhere!
The second sign from Lemmy came on Monday. Mom had taken me for a quick walk to do my business, when all of a sudden she reached in her pocket and realized she didn’t have any bags with her. Lemmy was very adamant that all poop must be picked up and proudly carried home with him. A lesson he taught our Pepere once when he was staying with him on vacation. Pepere had taken Lemmy for a walk, and after Lem did his business, Pepere tried to continue with their walk. But Lemmy would not budge. Confused, Pepere tried everything to get Lemmy to move. Finally he realized it was the offensive poop that was causing this standoff. Once that was properly taken care of, Lemmy happily continued on their walk.
So there we were on the side of the road on Monday, with Mom awkwardly checking all her coat pockets for a bag. When all of sudden she spied sticking out of the leaves a few feet away what looked like one of our bags. Sure enough covered in frost, there was a nicely folded bag on the side of the road.
Thanks Lemmy for always looking out for us, and making sure we follow the rules. My apologies though about being made part of the Christmas decorations, but as you know there’s no stopping Mom’s merriment!