While scrolling through social media, Chuck Billy and I couldn’t help but notice all the interesting ways humans decorate Christmas trees in an attempt to make them “pet friendly.” Some are placed high on tables, others are missing ornaments on the lower portion of the tree, and some are even put into cages! In honor of these trees, and the dogs and cats who love them, I dedicate my version of “O Christmas Tree.”
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
How tempting are your branches
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
How tempting are your branches
They decorate you with pretty toys
Then tell us all to be good boys
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
How tempting are your branches
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
Much pleasure you can give me
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
Much pleasure you can give me
Your lovely branches are crunchy treats
Better than any of Santa’s sweets
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
Much pleasure you can give me
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
Thy bulbs sparkle so brightly
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
Thy bulbs sparkle so brightly
It’s too cold to go play fetch outside
But here you are with balls inside
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
How tempting are your branches
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
It’s so worth taking chances!

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, it’s so worth taking chances!