Asa is brilliant! I can’t believe I didn’t think of this first. Asa completely redefined our role as office dogs! Every day we have to wait through Dad’s zoom meeting before we can go for our afternoon walk. Somedays the meetings are quick, barely 15 minutes long. Other days the meetings can go upwards of 2 hours with no end in sight. Yet yesterday Asa figured out a sure fire way to end the zoom meeting early. He vomited!
As soon as Asa started making that telltale gagging noise, everyone responded. Dad immediately leaped into action, shouting “dog’s gonna vomit, got to go!” Simultaneously, we heard Dad’s coworkers responding with everything from the wise advice of “RUN!” to “PIXEL!” the name of a coworker’s dog. By the way, sorry Pixel for ruining your nap by confusing your Dad to think it was you about to vomit. However, keep reading, we have a mutually beneficial proposition for you.
Anyways, Mom and Dad have an emergency plan for everything, including vomiting. So while Asa continued to make that awful noise, Mom came running from wherever she was in the house, while Dad grabbed our emergency towel we keep in the office. While holding it under Asa’s head, he simultaneously coaxed Asa downstairs. The towel is to try to save the carpeting while moving Asa from upstairs to the vomit approved areas of the kitchen tile floor or ultimately outside.
I’m happy to report Asa held his vomit until we all made it safely outside. Now this is where Asa and I differ when it comes to vomiting. I always vomit in 3s, whereas Asa usually has a one and done approach. So while I held my squeaky ball, I nervously waited to see if we would immediately go back inside to finish Dad’s meeting.
But ol’ Asa had another trick up his sleeve…or actually in his belly. Mom and Dad are curious creatures and like to examine the vomit afterwards to try to figure out the cause. Well even I was amazed to see Asa somehow managed to throw up grass! Where in this frozen tundra did Asa even find grass to eat? I guess it doesn’t matter, because that further delayed going back to work while Mom and Dad discussed this mystery.
Eventually we did go inside, and Dad checked back in with work. Only to find out from one coworker that the meeting ended abruptly after a brief laugh over the dog vomit alarm. Therefore it meant it was time for the event we were all waiting for – our afternoon walk!
This is a great power that we must use sparingly. Or else the humans could grow immune to ignoring our gagging alarm like they do with their morning alarm clock. However, I’m definitely going to remember this trick next time Dad’s meeting is going too long! In fact, I wonder if Asa and I can get the other coworkers’ dogs on board? Then we could have a rotating dog vomit on-call schedule to help move meetings along!